The municipal budget is a vital policy and planning document that outlines the priorities for our community's services, programs, and infrastructure. Developing the annual budget requires balancing the often-competing needs of providing quality services our residents expect with what is financially sustainable.
Annually, municipal staff submit a draft preliminary budget to gather public input. It is categorized into two sections: the operations budget, which addresses daily services, and the capital budget, which invests in major infrastructure and long-term initiatives. With insights from Township of Stone Mills residents, local businesses and Staff, the Reeve and Council decide which services, programs, and infrastructure projects will make it into the final budget.
The 2025 Draft Budget will be considered by Council on the following dates:
- Monday, March 10 – Committee of the Whole Budget Meeting (5:00pm)
- Monday, March 17- Public Meeting at Regular Council (6:30pm)
- Monday, March 24 (Tentative) – Committee of the Whole Budget Meeting (5:00pm)
- Monday, April 7 - Target Date for Budget Approval During Regular Council Meeting
The Township invites residents to participate in the budget process and discussions. Residents can submit questions and inquiries to and are invited to attend the budget meetings. If residents are interested in speaking at the March 10, 2025 meeting, a delegation request form is required to be submitted to the Clerk by noon on March 5. The meeting being held on March 17 is a public meeting and therefore residents are not required to pre-register for this meeting.
The full agenda package for the Budget meeting can be viewed here. Budget documents are also available below.